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Stillam CNC Programming Solutions launches Vero Software’s WorkNC solution

In a series of workshops around the country Stillam CNC Programming Solutions has launched WorkNC, a CAM solution from Vero Software that the company now markets.

Walter Wade, Business Development Manager of Vero Software in the UK and Miguel Johann, WorkNC Brand Manager based in France, were part of the roadshow giving insightful comment on where the industry and the company is headed.

WorkNC CAM software is a premium CNC software for surface or solid models in mould, die and tooling businesses for 2 to 5-axis CNC programming. WorkNC is also regarded as best of breed, complementary CAM software that enhances all design and manufacturing systems by providing the most reliable, efficient, easy to programme cutter paths, resulting in unmatched productivity and safety.

WorkNC CAM is dubbed ‘One Button CAM’ that offers automated, efficient toolpaths bringing dramatic productivity gains through shorter machining times, longer tool life, improved surface finish and accuracy, better machine utilisation, and fast and easy CNC programming.

The newly-released 2018 version of WorkNC from Vero Software introduces two important new tools to the portfolio – a direct modelling CAD system, and a Robot Module, making offline programming of robots easy, even for inexperienced users.

For further details contact Stillam CNC Programming Solutions on TEL: 011 663 2600 or visit

Bryn Laubuschagne of Stillam with Walter Wade of Vero Software

Vincent Wills of Stillam, Miguel Johann – WorkNC Brand Manager and Charles Parkin of Stillam

Miguel Marques of Bastos, Ryan Scott of Stillam, Gerhard Vermaak of A.G.V Precision and George Sansoni of Polyworks South Africa

Math Robson of WD Hearn, Deon Coetzee of Skok and Edwin Dreyer of Thos Begbie

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