Spindle health monitoring system on Mazak Integrex i-300ST

Mazak recently demonstrated its Integrex i-300ST multi-tasking machine featuring the company’s Spindle Health Monitoring System. Powered by AI technology, the system monitors spindle health to help minimise unexpected machine downtime.

“Mazak’s Spindle Health Monitoring System’s health check macro programme uses Edge computing and data analytics based on a proprietary algorithm to create a unique spindle model for each machine. Machine operators can run the program in less than a minute and be made aware of any spindle issues before they cause complete failure. Shops can then schedule spindle maintenance or replacement in advance of failure to maintain full production capacity. The spindle health can be viewed on the Smooth control or any device connected to the machine network using a web browser,” said a company spokesperson.

In addition to Spindle Health Monitoring, the Integrex i-300ST featured two turning spindles, a milling spindle and lower turret-a configuration that can process first and second operations simultaneously or perform required sequential operations on a single workpiece.

“With the capability to handle all processes from raw material input through final machining, the machine provides significant reductions in lead times and improves part accuracy through the elimination of multiple set ups. Plus, its full 5-axis capability makes it possible to easily process fully prismatic parts from solid block or castings, round parts or highly contoured sculptured parts,” said the spokesperson.

The machine’s main horizontal turning spindle with a 10” chuck is capable of C-axis indexing in 0.0001° increments. The main turning spindle is a 30kW integral spindle motor that provides a 4 000rpm maximum spindle speed, while the second, opposed headstock with a 10” chuck features a 26kW integral spindle motor and 4 000rpm top speed.

Additionally, a 22kW, 12 000rpm integral motor milling spindle rotates in the B-axis throughout a range of +210° and -30° from vertical. The milling spindle travels 260mm in the Y-axis. For increased versatility, the Integrex i-300ST accommodates workpieces up to 660mm in diameter and 1 520mm long. It is also able to meet the machining requirements of a wide variety of workpieces due to its tool magazine capacities, from the standard 36 tools up to the maximum of 110 tools.

The machine’s lower drum turret accommodates nine tools and can work at either the main or second spindle with the same tool. This makes it possible for the turret to perform balanced cutting operations on one part working in tandem with the machine’s vertical milling spindle. There is also the option for milling capability with the lower turret. This provides the flexibility to process a workpiece’s second operation in the machine’s second spindle or to perform first and second operations simultaneously on one workpiece.

The Integrex i-300ST features Mazatrol SmoothX CNC that is a key element-along with new machine hardware and servo systems of Mazak’s Smooth Technology. Smooth Technology is a complete process-performance platform that spans the entire part-production landscape from programming and set up to metal removal operations and automation to monitoring and data collection/transfer.

For more information contact Hi-Tech Machine Tools on TEL: 011 608 0088 or visit www.hitech.co.za