South African mining industry in the spotlight at Electra Mining Africa

Machine Tools Showcase to run alongside Electra Mining Africa

The South African Mining industry employs over half a million people, is the biggest earner of foreign exchange in the country, and contributes about R20 billion directly to tax revenue. Mining also makes a far larger contribution – as a buyer of goods and services and as a supplier of inputs to other sectors of our economy and other economies around the globe. These figures highlight the importance of the local mining industry to South Africa.

The South African mining industry will take the spotlight at this year’s Electra Mining Africa, from 15-19 September at the Expo Centre, Nasrec, Johannesburg. As Africa’s premier mining, industrial, electrical and machines tools show, Electra Mining Africa is on the international calendar and has a proven record for being a strong catalyst for new investment opportunities with billions of Rands worth of equipment being showcased. The show attracts stakeholders from all over the world.


With increased exhibition floor space to accommodate the growing demand from exhibitors, this year’s show will have a world-class line up offering visitors the perfect opportunity to compare and plan future capital equipment purchases as well as to view all the latest technology. Exhibitors can meet with people in the buying chain to discuss products and solutions.

“Influential decision makers from the mining, industrial, electrical and machines tools sectors are regular visitors to Electra Mining Africa. They travel from within South Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and from a large footprint across the globe,” says Gary Corin, Managing Director, Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, organisers of the show. “Regular faces are seen returning to the exhibition year after year and it’s a time of industry reunions with vast networking opportunities as well as hub for purchasing decision-making.”

Highly sought-after co-located conferences draw further interest from key industry representatives, who ensure that the conference dates are marked on the calendar well in advance.

Events taking place at Electra Mining Africa 2014 include a Surface Mining and Naturally Metallurgy Conference hosted by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) in the Black Eagle on 16-17 September. The International Infrastructure & Investment Convention (IIIC) in association with Deutche Messe and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be hosting an Infrastructure Conference in the Bateleur venue from 15-17 September. Clarion and Spintelligent will be hosting a Power Generation Conference in the Black Eagle on 18-19 September. All venues are at the Expo Centre and co-located with Electra Mining Africa.

In addition, the South African Institute of Mechanical Engineers (SAIMechE) will be hosting an exhibitor product showcase at the MAN Building, from 15-19 September. A Women in Mining workshop will also be taking place.

“We have also added other fun, interactive activities to ensure a memorable experience for visitors,” says Corin. “The 4X4 track will test the best in driving skills, the gold panning and amazing race will give out exciting prizes, the golf carts will ensure ease of movement around the large exhibition area, a trip on the monorail will give a different view of the show, and we’ve ensured rest and relaxation with live bands for background entertainment and sizzling boerewors on the spitbraais,” he says.

As mining grows in Africa with the continent already producing 74% of the world’s platinum, 62% of cobalt, 54% of diamonds and 11% of oil, Electra Mining Africa is well-placed placed to stimulate trade in Africa in the mining, capital goods, and electro-technical sectors by facilitating access to international and local markets and investment opportunities.

“Many of our visitors to Electra Mining Africa are based in Africa and travel to the show to meet with exhibitors with the aim of sourcing new suppliers and seeing the latest products and services on offer,” says Corin. “It’s also an ideal place to network with peers and industry professionals and interact with specialists and technicians.”

Electra Mining is also expanding its footprint into Africa with upcoming shows in Zambia and Botswana. The Copperbelt Mining Trade Expo & Conference (CBM-TEC) took place on 28 and 29 April in Zambia and Electra Mining Botswana is back at the Gaborone Fairgrounds in September 2015 after its successful inaugural event in September last year.


“Our broad portfolio of exhibitions continues to expand and future growth is expected from the further development of local trade exhibitions as well as building our international partnerships and expanding our African footprint,” says Corin.

Electra Mining Africa is organised by Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, a member of the prestigious Montgomery Group and a member of the Exhibition Association of Southern Africa (EXSA). Electra Mining has accreditation from UFI, which is the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. This means that the event is audited according to strict standards.

Machine tools to be showcased alongside Electra Mining Africa 2014
Machine Tools Showcase takes place once every four years and it gives an opportunity to metalworking equipment, tooling and related equipment suppliers and manufacturers to showcase their machines, products and services. The show takes place at the Expo Centre, NASREC, Johannesburg, from 15 – 19 September 2014.

The show is expected to have a remarkable display of new and emerging technologies that will continue to revolutionise the manufacturing world. These innovations, coupled with traditional equipment, offer solutions to all manufacturers who seek increased productivity and lower cost.

For further information contact Specialised Exhibitions TEL: 011 835 1565 or email or or visit