Okuma’s Multus U Series general purpose multitasking CNC lathes are designed to reduce setup time, improve accuracy and keep non-cutting time to a minimum.
The series includes two machine sizes: the Multus U3000 (maximum diameter of 650mm and bed length of 1 000mm) and the Multus U4000 (maximum diameter of 700mm and bed length of 1 500mm). The series of lathes is equipped with a comprehensive package of the company’s Intelligent Technologies (thermo-friendly concept, collision avoidance system and Machining Navi) and a variety of efficiency features.
These lathes are excellent for machining process-intensive parts, such as those in aerospace, oil/energy, medical and construction, and provide a complete multitasking solution.
A highly rigid traveling column allows for powerful cutting along the entire Y axis, the company says. There are 17 variations in specs, including multiple bed lengths, optional subspindle (W axis) and optional lower turret. They are designed for highly efficient cutting of difficult-to-machine materials and a variety of CNC machining applications. The company provides long, stable machining accuracy with thermo-static design and thermal deformation control technology. Machining Navi, which is optional, maximizes tool performance by choosing the optimal speed(s) at which the machine can avoid chatter.
For further details contact F & H Machine Tools on TEL: 011 397 4050 or visit www.fandhmachinetools.co.za