Mazak Integrex i-630V AG Hybrid vertical multi-tasking machine eliminates gear-cutting guesswork

Combining full five-axis milling, powerful turning operations and pallet-changing capabilities, the Mazak Integrex i-630V AG Hybrid enables gear cutting control via optimised digital enhancements.

The Mazak Integrex i-630V AG Hybrid Multi-Tasking Machine combines full five-axis milling, powerful turning operations and pallet-changing capabilities, enabling shops to add gear cutting to their part-processing repertoires and eliminate contracting out such work. It is built on the Integrex milling and turning platform and performs gear milling, hobbing and skiving via its Smooth Gear Cutting software suite.

Equipped with Mazak’s Mazatrol SmoothAi control, Smooth Gear Cutting software and additional rotary axis scale feedback, the Integrex i-630V AG is said to eliminate the guesswork often associated with gear cutting, particularly in terms of programming and the synchronisation of turning/milling spindles at high rpm. Results include more refined cutting action and smoother gear teeth surface finishes.

Designed for heavy-duty 5-axis machining and large, highly complex parts, Mazak’s machine is said to employ a powerful turning spindle with C-axis control and a rigid milling spindle with B-axis tilt of -30/+120º, both of which are monitored via rotary axis scale feedback.

For effective gear skiving, the mill spindle and the turning spindle must be synchronised, as any fluctuation in the turning spindle or milling spindle speeds will cause vibration and poor surface quality. If either spindle starts to fluctuate or drift off target speed, the Smooth Gear Cutting software automatically adjusts cutting parameters.

According to Mazak, the software also eliminates the need to programme the part offline or on a CAM system and ensures synchronisation. It provides a graphical user interface on the machine’s control, and users simply fill in various fields with information such as number of gear teeth, pressure angles, etc. With this information, the control will then generate a programme that runs in the background as the toolpath is created.

The SmoothAi control runs the Smooth Gear Cutting software and delivers optimised digital enhancements that reportedly add efficiency and value throughout the machining process via AI, machine learning and advanced data management technology. The control incorporates a wide variety of advanced programming functions for complete ease of use and to ensure high-speed, high-accuracy machining performance.

For further details contact Hi-Tech Machine Tools on TEL: 011 608 0088 or visit