Manufacturers from all over the world got the chance to test-drive Mastercam 2023 during the public beta program before it was released and provided valuable feedback to help shape the final 2023 product. Many of the improvements in Mastercam 2023 are directly driven by Mastercam users and shops. Feedback from public beta releases, shop visits, customer surveys, and consultation with expert industry partners create the practical, shop-driven focus that helps ensure Mastercam users’ success.
Consolidating multi-axis toolpaths
Morph, Parallel, Along Curve, and Project Curve are no longer individual toolpaths in Mastercam 2023. Instead, the Unified toolpath allows access to these cut patterns when you add the appropriate curves. For example, to create a toolpath that morphs between two surfaces, select Unified from the multi-axis toolpaths, and then set the Cut Pattern to two surfaces with the Morph style.
Detecting undercut stock when machining
The Dynamic OptiRough and Area Roughing toolpaths can now be aware of undercut stock conditions, resulting in improvement to the toolpath motion, including less air cutting.
New B-axis contour turning toolpath
Mastercam 2023 introduces a new toolpath to the Turning suite for the Mill-Turn product. B-Axis Contour Turning is a finishing toolpath that allows for rotation of the B-axis while the tool is cutting. The toolpath features a top-down workflow and provides you with either automatic or manual motion control. Automatic mode produces safe toolpath motion that keeps the insert in contact with the contour. Manual mode offers full control over the B-axis angles along the contour. These are only a few of the new features and enhancements in Mastercam 2023.
For further details contact Mecad Manufacturing on TEL: 012 645 4300 or visit