CNC Software has released both the Mastercam and Mastercam for Solidworks 2017 Update 1. This release addresses software defects identified since the initial release of Mastercam 2017.
Mastercam 2017 for Solidworks is a CAM application that is fully integrated into Solidworks. Users can programme parts directly in Solidworks using Mastercam’s industry-leading toolpaths and machining strategies. In addition to all the improvements to Mastercam Mill and Lathe, Mastercam 2017 for Solidworks features the Analyze Toolpath and improved Tplanes.
To make your job easier, Analyze Toolpath is used to display toolpath information such as coordinates, direction, and operation number when you hover over any part of the tool motion. Green and red arrows display at the start and end points of the entire path. When hovering over an element that is not an endpoint, a tooltip will display information that is specific to the entity.
Lodewyk Jansen van Vuuren of Mecad Systems, Nico Duvenhage of Iscar, Christo Moolman of Hurco South Africa and Alberto van Zyl of F&H Machine Tools
Sandy Moffat of CNC Software Mastercam, Freek van den Berg of Mecad Systems and David Miller of CNC Software Mastercam
To simplify your work, Tplanes are now associated to the Solidworks geometry that was used to create them. When a modification to the Solidworks geometry affects multiple planes, Mastercam for Solidworks displays a message asking you to confirm your changes.
CAD Functions
The Mastercam 2017 tab now includes a CAD Functions menu which contains the Create Boundary and Create Letters functions. These will create Solidworks geometry. The Roll-Unroll function is used to wrap geometry about an axis or to unwrap rolled entities to make them lie flat. Mastercam creates a sketch from the resulting geometry.
Riaan Prinsloo, Greg and Domonic Vertue, all of Syd Vertue & Son with Charles Brummer of Denel
The distributors of both Mastercam and Solidworks in South Africa held a launch for the new Mastercam 2017. Some of the users that attended are seen below.
For further details contact Mecad Systems on TEL: 086 111 2236 or visit