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Kennametal enhances high-performance KCP25C turning platform

Kennametal has expanded on its highest performing turning platform with additional inserts. The KCP25C platform features advanced coating technology KENGold™, which improves toughness, abrasion resistance and consistency.

“The KCP25C turning platform has set a new standard with its performance, achieving higher metal removal rates and improved wear resistance. Growing the portfolio allows us to support customers’ ever-evolving needs and address their toughest machining challenges,” said Scott Etling, Kennametal’s Vice President of Global Product Management.

The high-performance turning platform now includes additional ISO turning inserts to complete the portfolio, Top Notch profiling inserts and railroad turning inserts.

Leveraging advanced pressing and honing technologies, Kennametal has achieved consistently tight tolerance levels with KENGold, the advanced coating technology that was introduced last year.

“This next generation coating technology is multi-layer to not only protect against wear but act as a strong thermal barrier and resist chipping for more reliable, increased cutting speeds, higher metal removal rates and consistent tool life,” added Etling.

Applied to the turning insert grades, in combination with enhanced edge preparation features, customers will experience more reliable and consistent tool life. KCP25C is ideal for roughing, finishing and medium finishing in general engineering, automotive oil and gas, and wind and solar industries.

For more information contact Kennametal South Africa on TEL: 011 748 9300 or visit

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