Iscar’s upgraded Groove Turn JHP tools and new JetCut double coolant Modular-Grip with coolant channels

Iscar has upgraded the GHDR/L-JHP, CGPAD-JHP and HGPAD-JHP Groove-Turn tools and adapters by adding a bottom cooling channel to the existing upper channel design. The bottom channel effectively cools the frontal flank of the insert.

In most cases, the upgraded two-directional coolant tools and adapters provide improved tool life when compared to the tools and adapters with a single-top coolant channel, at both low and high pressure.

The modified adapters enable significant tool life improvement and represent a winning solution for grooving, parting and turning on most material types, especially on high temperature alloys and stainless steel.

The upgraded adapters should be preferably used on the upgraded adapter holders, otherwise only the upper cooling channel will be active.

In addition, Iscar has introduced the new JetCut double coolant Modular-Grip adapters carrying TGMF/TGMP/TGMA grooving and turning inserts. Iscar is expanding the Modular-Grip adapter options by adding an upgraded version of the Top-Grip TGPAD adapters with JetCut top and bottom cooling channels.

The new TGPAD-JHP adapters family comprises the same variety and the same physical dimensions as the current TGPAD adapters.

The new adapters provide an advantageous performance on all workpiece materials, especially on stainless steel and on high temperature alloys.

For further details contact Iscar South Africa on TEL: 011 997 2700 or visit