OXMT 0507R08-FF and RXMT 1607N inserts expand Helido application options
Iscar is further expanding the Helido line by introducing the OXMT 0507R08-FF insert, which was designed to add the Feedmill’s extremely high feed ability to the popular Helido 845 and 890 milling lines and the moderate feed advantage to the Helido 865 line.
Another innovation is the RXMT 1607N round insert which adds profiling and corner rounding application options to the SOF45, SOE45, S890, S865 and FF-SOF milling cutter families.
The OXMT 0507R08-FF is a single-sided insert. As compared to the entry angles obtained on the tools when the original ONMU/ONHU 0505 inserts are used. The new insert features eight large radius cutting edges rotated by 15° counterclockwise.
The new entry angles were achieved by a 15° rotation of the cutting edges relative to the bottom flanks of the insert. When mounted on the Helido SOF45 8/16 or S890 FSN milling cutters, the new inserts turn them into Feedmill tools, providing the ability for extremely high feeds – most effective for rough milling applications.
The new insert may also be used on S865 FSN-R13 tools, changing their entry angle from 65° to 31°. This new configuration enables a high metal removal rate when combining high depth of cut with moderate feed. It is most advantageous for machines with a limited table feed or when machining heavy workpieces.
The new Feedmill OXMT 0507R08-FF insert is produced from the advantageous Sumo tec carbide grade IC808. The RXMT 1607N round insert is produced from IC808 and also from the very tough grade IC830.
As with other Feedmill tools, the resultant cutting forces are directed axially towards the spindle. This provides high stability and enables machining at high feeds with long overhang, using small to medium machines; or machining less rigidly clamped workpieces and yet being able to attain considerable metal removal rates.
For further details contact Iscar South Africa on TEL: 011 997 2700 or visit www.iscar.com