An all-new Bridgeport-Hardinge vertical machining centre – the Conquest V1000 – is now available in the UK from the exclusive distributor, the Engineering Technology Group.
Aside from its rigidity the machine features large, robust 45 mm ball screws on all axes and 35 mm linear guides are standard on the X-axis with 45 size guides on the Y and Z-axes. Axis travels are: X – 1020 mm; Y – 610 mm and Z – 610 mm. Options include part probe, tool probe, X, Y, Z-linear scales, coolant through spindle, a 4th and 5th (4+1) axis drive package, automatic power shut off, spare m-codes, chip conveyor and auto door to name a few.
Speed is another feature. The V1000 provides very fast rapid traverse of 4.3m per minute on the X and Y axes and 3.6m per minute on the Z- axis with a powerful direct-drive 20hp, 10,000rpm spindle motor with a 30-tool swing-arm automatic tool changer.
As standard the V1000 is supplied with a Heidenhain TNC 620 control. The TNC 620 is a compact but versatile contouring control for up to five controlled axes and features a flexible operating concept with either workshop-oriented programmability using Heidenhain conversational programming or offline programming to suit.
Options include part probe, tool probe, X, Y, Z linear scales, coolant through spindle, a 4th and 5th (4+1) axis drive package, automatic power shut-off, spare M-codes, a chip conveyor and automatic door to list but a few.
For further details contact F & H Machine Tools on TEL: 011 397 4050 or visit