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Grooving and cut-off made easy – Beyond Evolution™ – Kennametal

In a manufacturing world of growing complexity, a straightforward solution that works excellently and saves money can be a breath of fresh air. In grooving and cutoff, Beyond Evolution™ from Kennametal is that solution.

“What would it take to launch the world’s best grooving and cutoff system?” asks Kennametal senior product manager Mark Filosemi. “We began with the expected – longer tool life and higher cutting speed. But our customers added something different. They wanted simple. That was it. They wanted to stop leafing through hundreds of pages of catalogues and thousands of items because it was difficult, time-consuming, and expensive.”

Easy to choose, easy to use became the foundation of Beyond Evolution’s development. The goal to offer a system that was less complicated to navigate and select, complimented by an equally simple approach to using it.

“But we didn’t stop there,” Filosemi adds. In developing Beyond Evolution, the team questioned every detail to enhance their customer’s experience. With deep design and innovative engineering experience, Kennametal pioneered the most versatile high-performance platform to enter the market.

Proprietary Triple V
Beyond Evolution is a single-sided grooving and cutoff system for deeper grooving capability than double-ended systems. A proprietary “Triple V” design with top, bottom, and backside V-shaped seating in the holder pocket creates a pull-in effect for exceptionally high stability for deep grooving, face grooving, side turning, and profiling, among other applications.

The results
Beyond Evolution will groove deeper than double-ended systems, turn with 90% of the stability and allow interchangeability regardless of geometry or application. It offers tighter indexing tolerances, longer cutting depths, and new plunge and turn geometries.

The most visible result of Beyond Evolution’s “one system for all applications” design is the most requested – fewer items, up to 35% compared to competitors. This makes Beyond Evolution easy to choose in addition to easy to use, reducing inventory and expenses. And where conventional product launches focus on a single line item, Beyond Evolution will be launched in multiple grades for dozens of applications – a full line offering that promises higher performance and reduced costs immediately.

Innovations 2016 and Novo
Whether you’re digitally native or prefer print, much more information, including grade descriptions, feed and speed recommendations, and full ordering information is available in the new Innovations 2016 catalogue from Kennametal – an invaluable resource for the latest advances across the entire range of Kennametal applications. For downloading the digital version or requesting a print copy, visit

Moreover, Beyond Evolution is available through Novo™, Kennametal’s digital process knowledge application. With powerful process knowledge available on iPad™ and other digital devices, Novo helps users define machining features, such as profiling or grooving in specific work materials, and then immediately reduces the product set to those like Beyond Evolution that can do the job. This provides far more useful process knowledge than any online catalogue alone, all obtained in a fraction of the time.

For more information contact Kennametal South Africa on TEL: 011 748 9300 or visit

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