Find A Machine Tool Online

Find A Machine Tool Online set to help you buy or sell a machine tool

A specialist website has been developed to help you buy a machine tool, whether it be new or second hand. Find A Machine Tool Online – – was established to bring buyers and sellers together, using an easy-to-navigate website.

The developers of the user friendly website have listed 25 main categories, with each having sub categories making it simple to categorise your machine or find the exact one you want to buy.

“Our hope for is that we can deliver a resource that helps machine tool users and buyers make sense of and keep pace with the rapidly changing market of machine tools on offer,” said a company spokesperson.

“The idea of the site is to make it as interactive as you, the seller or buyer, want to. You can list as many machines as you want and delist them when they are no longer available. The onus will be on you to upload information and operate your account once you have registered, as you feel that it needs to be.”


“Site users can self-generate queries on the model and specifications from the database, find the machine and then negotiate directly to either buy or sell. We are not sellers or buyers of machines. We are only providing a platform that will help you or your company save time, make better decisions and contribute to the economy in 2014 and beyond.”

“The web is a medium that more and more people are using for research purposes. Buying and selling a machine tool is no different. We are trying to make it easy for you.”

“It is important to note that the website has security coding systems in place at registration, when buyers contact sellers and at the paygate areas. We have done this to protect all parties concerned.”

“However, we must warn users that they are 100% sure that their transaction is secure before parting with equipment or money. With the site open to the world there could be chancers out there and we will not be held responsible for any loss or damages incurred.”

The site was launched towards the end of last year and is already generating considerable interest.

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