Euromac’s FXbend Cell

Sheet metal bending is a relatively simple operation from a mechanical point of view, but getting a high quality bent piece is not as simple. We need bending presses with a high technological content and experienced operators, or alternatively a highly performing automated system. Euromac has decided to follow this second path by creating FX Bend Cell, a flexible and easy-to-use automated folding cell that combines the quality of processing with constant performance over time.

Integrated robot
“Finding manpower to dedicate to bending operations is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge to deal with,” comments Ferran Villanueva, Sales Manager of Euromac.

“Furthermore, the activity carried out by a bender requires a high level of concentration, to guarantee the same quality of the finished piece throughout the entire working day. With the new FX Bend Cell folding cell we are able to overcome these two problems. The robot that serves the press in fact ensures the consistency of the bending quality working on three shifts, 24 hours a day, and proves reliable and flexible allowing a rapid change from one batch to the next. It is therefore an automation system suitable both for companies that have a production based on large batches, and for those that work many batches of small volumes.”

Being an extremely versatile solution, FX Bend Cell proves to be suitable for most applications involving sheet metal processing. Our customers are active in sectors ranging from home appliances to kitchen furniture, from electrical boxes to cold, everything related to white, elevator manufacturers, from medical instruments to the production of panels for music consoles up to the military sector,” comments Villanueva.

“The combinations of sizes and thickness of the sheet that can be processed are many and also depend on the material, whose density difference affects the moment of inertia and therefore the maximum length of the panel. To give you a rough idea, with the KR10 we can process a steel sheet of 1 000 x 600 x 1.5mm, while with the KR60 robot you can work without difficulty a panel of 1500 x 600 x 3mm.”

For further details contact CML Machine Tools on 0861 422 423 or visit