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Electra Mining Africa 2016

Most metalworking related companies opt to rather exhibit at the upcoming Machine Tools Africa 2017.

More than 850 local and international exhibitors from the mining, industrial, electrical and power industries showcased their products and services across a 38 000m² indoor and outdoor exhibition area of Electra Mining Africa 2016 held in September at the Expo Centre, in Johannesburg.

The exhibition attracted international visitors seeking out local products, machinery, services and technology with just over 29 000 visitors attending.

This year’s exhibition was the first one in many years where the traditional machine tools and metalworking related suppliers and services companies were not cohosted in an official format, although some local companies did take the opportunity to exhibit. This is because most of the metalworking related companies have opted to rather exhibit at the upcoming Machine Tools Africa 2017. This exhibition will also take place at the Nasrec Expo Centre, Johannesburg from 9 to 12 May 2017.

Machine Tools Africa 2017 will be unique in the sense that it will showcase live working machinery including milling, turning, metrology, tooling, laser cutting and other sheet metal and plate operations, to name but a few. The exhibition will also bring together the industry’s finest manufacturers across a range of technologies.

Visitors to Machine Tools Africa 2017 will include all those involved in machine tools across various sectors including general mechanics, machine tools, mining, manufacturing, automotive, metallurgy, paper/pulp, research and engineering, aeronautics, aerospace, railways, energy, electronics and IT.

For more information on Machine Tools Africa 2017 email the MTMA on or contact John Sterley, Sales Executive at Specialised Exhibitions on TEL: 011 835 1565, Direct: 010 003 3053 or Cell: 084 828 0034 or Leatitia van Straten, Marketing Director at Specialised Exhibitions on email

Some the companies that exhibited Electra Mining Africa 2016 are seen below.

Carlo, Corry and Wesley Danelis, all from MTool

Craig Seale from ADR Distributors, Stefano Molinari from Tiesse Robot and Robert Rumbelow, Sydney Maluleke and Raymond de Wee all from ADR Distributors

Marius van Aswegen, Laszlo Locsei, Fanie Oosthuizen and Tim Gilbert, all from Toolquip & Allied

Bheki Shongwe and Esser Vorster, both from Marking Engineering

David Risk and Charlie Lougassy, both from TDC Cutting Tools

Ludwig Oellermann from MicroStep, Chris Coetzee from PowerStep, Pierre Theunissen from MicroStep and Thomas Miczek from Alpha Laser

Stephen Goodyear and Francesco Tallarico from Talmac, Roberto Costantino and Fabio Farina, both from Prima Power

Ferdinando Fusca from Rolleri, Federico Bonfogo from Faccin and Alvise Crozzolin from Gasparini

The Amada staff in a happy mood

Erich Marnewick, Chris du Preez, Jan Görtzen and Samantha Hedley, all from World Power Products

Letitia Huyser, Kelby Parker, Cathy Adendorff and Andre Jordaan, all from Traceability Solutions

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