DMG MORI ups its automation game by establishing a new joint venture company with German company Heitec AG

Also announces joint lubrication development with Fuchs.

DMG MORI has upped its automation game by founding a new joint venture company with German company Heitec AG. DMG MORI Heitec GmbH represents an extension to the two companies’ collaboration over recent years.

One in four new machines from DMG MORI is already supplied with an automation solution. In future, every machine will be fitted with automation on the basis of a modular system. Through these modular-based compatible solutions, DMG MORI Heitec will supply small and medium-sized companies with an integrated automation concept.

Based in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany DMG MORI Heitec is aiming to reduce both project lead times and system commissioning by use of digital twins. Project lead times can be cut by around 20%, and commissioning on site by up to 80%, while future additions or changes can be planned and tested using the digital twin prior to implementation.

“We are strengthening our automation expertise as two equal partners in a joint venture. Thus, the development of the digital twin is of key importance. It speeds up and stabilises all the customer processes – from development and setting up right through to service – and ensures flexible, steady procedures,” says Christian Thönes, Chairman of the executive board of DMG MORI AG.

“Through automation and digitalisation, we are making a significant contribution towards increasing productivity and efficiency. Supported by digital engineering, we are achieving a considerably higher quality with shorter through-put times in development and commissioning,” said Richard Heindl, chairman of the executive board of Heitec.

Also planned are automation standards for a broad range of customer sectors and the realisation of customised projects specifically for medium-sized companies, that is, the German ‘Mittelstand’.

DMG MORI AG and Fuchs Petrolub SE to jointly develop machine tool lubricants
DMG MORI AG and Fuchs Petrolub SE have signed a collaboration agreement in which the pair intend to set standards with innovative product developments for lubricants for machine tools.

The goal of the technology partnership is to jointly develop new lubricant solutions and services for machine tool applications. The plan also includes further progress in digitisation of production processes and condition monitoring of machines and plants.

“Use of the correct lubricant is decisive for optimal productivity when machine tools are used for intensive processing of components. In Fuchs, we are pleased to have acquired a globally-based technology partner, and together we want to continue expanding our technology- and service-excellence,” says Christian Thönes, chairman of the executive board of DMG MORI AG.

“DMG MORI has a high level of technological expertise, great innovative force and global presence. I am certain that customers and users, as well as the two companies, will benefit from this partnership,” added Stefan Fuchs, CEO of Fuchs Petrolub SE.

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