Denel Technical Academy grows into national hub for artisan training

“Artisan training provided by Denel SOC at its campus in Ekurhuleni is helping to meet South Africa’s huge demand for skilled human resources in technical fields”, says the Chief Executive of Denel Aviation, Mike Kgobe.

Kgobe was speaking at an event to celebrate the achievements of students who were trained at the Denel Technical Academy (DTA).

A total of 235 students have completed their first year of training at the DTA and will now serve apprenticeships at various companies and organisations before returning to Denel for the completion of their studies and qualification.


Inside the Denel Technical Academy

Kgobe says the country’s tertiary institutions must train at least 30 000 artisans per year to ensure a healthy economic growth rate and support the expansion of strategic infrastructure.

“This is the target to be achieved by 2030, according to the recommendations contained in the National Development Plan,” says Kgobe.

Located next to the OR Tambo International Airport, the DTA has built a solid reputation for the quality of artisans and skilled technicians it delivers to serve the aviation industry. In recent months the Academy has expanded the scope of courses it offers to include other engineering and technical sectors.

Kgobe says Denel is committed to playing a leading role in the training of skilled engineers, artisans and technicians. The Denel Group allocates more than R64 million a year to its “Talent Pipeline Model” that starts with mathematics and science programmes for high school learners, and continues through bursaries for tertiary studies, internships and mentoring programmes.

“For our country to achieve high levels of economic growth and address our social challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality, we must work together to invest in education, training and skills development to achieve our vision of a skilled and capable workforce,” says Kgobe.