CIMdata publishes global NC market analysis report

Country-specific PLM market analysis reports now also available.

CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm announced the release of the 2015 CIMdata NC Market Analysis Report (MAR), the twenty-fourth annual study of the global Numerical Control (NC) market. CIMdata estimates that based on end-user payments, the worldwide NC software and related services market grew by 7.3% in the calendar year 2014. The estimated end-user payments grew from $1.64 billion in 2013 to $1.76 billion in 2014. The market growth rate reflects solid overall NC spending, continuing the recovery from the downturn in the global economy. CIMdata projects that in 2015 growth in manufacturing will continue and end-user payments for NC software will increase by 6.7% to $1.88 billion.

Since 2002, the NC software market has shown modest but steady growth as global economies generally improved. There has been worldwide growth in the sale of machine tools and manufacturing output; greater emphasis has been placed on the efficient operation of machine tools as manufacturing firms have strengthened their competitive positions; and the overall PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) market, of which CAM software is a component, has continued on a strong growth path during this period. CAM software purchases are related to all of these factors—particularly machine tool sales.

Mr. Stan Przybylinski, CIMdata’s Vice President of Research commented, “2014 was an interesting year in the NC market. There was solid growth and two leading NC companies were acquired by unexpected new parents: Vero Software by Hexagon AB and Cimatron by 3D Systems. Combining additive and subtractive manufacturing has shown great value in some applications, so the move by 3D Systems bears watching.”

Mr. Jeanne Naysmith, the leader of CIMdata’s Manufacturing Practice continued, “While there is a relatively small portion of industrial production that is likely to use additive techniques, the extra creativity that additive manufacturing can offer is likely to increase the complexity of product designs, and this will in turn increase demand for subtractive CAM. Improved product performance coupled with the elimination of capitalised tooling is a strong incentive for manufacturers to explore additive manufacturing’s potential.”

The 2015 version of the NC MAR is a 127-page report containing 22 charts and 39 tables of data detailing the worldwide NC market along a number of dimensions. It also includes a discussion of trends in the CAM industry and updates on the top CAM solution providers.

The 2015 CIMdata NC Market Analysis Report is available for purchase at: